Mental health consumer organisations
New South Wales
BEING - Mental Health and Wellbeing Consumer Advisory Group
Suite 501, Level 5, 80 William Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW, 2011
(02) 9332 0200
BEING is the independent, state-wide peak organisation for people with a lived experience of mental illness (consumers), and works with consumers to achieve and support systemic change. BEING acts as a bridge between mental health consumers and the government.
Contact Queensland Alliance for Mental Health.
South Australia
Health Consumers Alliance of SA Inc
Level 1, 12 Pirie Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000
(08) 8231 4169
The Health Consumers Care Alliance of SA engages users of health services and health services themselves to achieve high-quality care. The organisation seeks to promote and strengthen the wellbeing and rights of health consumers.
Amplifies the voice, influence and leadership of people with lived experience to drive change.
Links to Wellbeing
Strong links and quick referral pathways to local community services connecting people to local services to strengthen and maintain their supports.
The Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
1/22 Aintree Street, Brunswick East, VIC, 3057
(03) 9380 3900
The peak Victorian non-government organisation for people who have experience of mental illness or emotional distress. It provides the following services:
- advocacy and representation for people who use mental health services
- information and peer support
- research and evaluation
- education and training.
Our Consumer Place
An information resource developed by people diagnosed with mental illness. The website provides information about projects and initiatives run by people with mental illness between 2008 and 2019.
Health Issues Centre
Level 1, 255 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
(03) 8676 9050
An independent, not for profit organisation that listens to the voices and experiences of everyday people to help shape policy decisions and service delivery in the health system. It works on projects and campaigns identified as significant priorities for all Australians.
Western Australia
Consumers of Mental Health WA
31 Manning Road, Cannington, WA, 6107
(08) 9258 8911
A consumer-led organisation dedicated to achieving social changes that reflect the needs and priorities of people with mental health issues.
Carer support organisations
If you are looking after someone with mental health issues you'll understand the value of mutual support and advocacy on behalf of carers and their needs - afterall, you know that you can look after your loved one better when you have support.
Mind conducts research on and promotes awareness of carer needs, and we pursue family-inclusive practice. We also acknowledge the work of organisations dedicated to promoting the needs of mental health carers and often partner with these organisations. They include:
Mental Health Carers Australia (MHCA) - formerly ARAFMI National
PO Box 592, Heidelberg VIC 3084
Subscribe to Mental Health Carers Australia monthly e-newsletter.
Carers Australia
Unit 1, 16 Napier Close, Deakin ACT 2600
Visit this website to find information on state offices.
New South Wales
Mental Health Carers NSW (formerly Arafmi NSW)
Suite 501, Level 5, 80 William St, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
1300 554 660
Northern Territory
Mental Illness Fellowship Australia Northern Territory (MIFANT)
PO Box 40556, Casuarina NT 0811
1800 985 944
Arafmi Queensland
Arafmi Head Office, 24 Chermside Street, Teneriffe, QLD 4005
(07) 3254 1881
Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania (MHFFTas)
2 Terry St Glenorchy TAS 7010
(03) 6228 7448
Level 1, 37 Mollison Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
(03) 8803 5555
Subscribe to Tandem's fortnightly e-newsletter
Western Australia
Helping Minds
182 Lord Street, Perth WA 6000
(08) 9427 7100
Peak bodies of community mental health services
National Mental Health Commission
PO Box R1463, Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 8229 7550
New South Wales
Mental Health Coordinating Council
PO Box 668, Rozelle NSW 2039
(02) 9555 8388
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health
433 Logan Road, Stones Corner, QLD, 4120
(07) 3252 9411
South Australia
Mental Health Coalition of South Australia
4/95 King William Road, Unley, SA, 5061
(08) 8212 8873
Mental Health Victoria (MHVIC)
2/22 Horne Street, Elsternwick, VIC, 3185
(03) 9519 7000
Western Australia
Western Australian Association for Mental Health
Level 1, 1 Nash Street, Perth, WA, 6000
(08) 6246 3000
Information on advocacy, asking a question or making a complaint
If you have a concern about the care you are receiving from a mental health or disability service provider, or the way your private information is being handled, you should first make your complaint to the provider.
At Mind, as with other accredited service providers, we have a thorough process for investigating complaints. We take your concerns seriously and commit to trying to resolve all complaints. If your issue is still not resolved satisfactorily, you can make a complaint through one of the organisations listed below.
These organisations can also help you access an advocate to ensure that your voice is heard. A family member, carer, kin or supporter can also be your advocate.
Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
Email: [email protected] phone: 1800 246 054
Office of the Public Advocate
Phone: 1300 309 337
Homeless Advocacy Service
Email: [email protected] phone: 1800 066 256
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
Email: [email protected] phone: (03) 9380 3900
Tandem (representing Victorian mental health carers)
Email: [email protected] phone: (03) 8803 5555
Disability Services Commission
Email: [email protected] phone: 1800 667 342
Independent Mental Health Advocacy Service (for people on compulsory treatment orders)
Email: [email protected] phone: 1300 947 820
LGBTIQ Legal Advice Service / Fitzroy Legal Service
Phone: (03) 9419 3744
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
Phone: (03) 9418 5999
South Australia
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1800 232 007
Carers SA South Australia
Phone: 1800 242 636
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
Phone: 1800 643 222
SHineSA – Sexual Health Information Networking & Education SA
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1300 883 793
Office of the Health Ombudsman
Email: [email protected] phone: 133 646
Carers QLD Australia
Phone: 1800 242 636
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD) Ltd
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1800 012 255
People with Disability Australia (Service users in Logan, Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast, Bundaberg, Mount Isa and Lower Gulf communities)
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1800 422 016
LGBTI Legal Service Inc
Email: [email protected] Phone: (07) 3124 7160
Western Australia
Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO)
Email: [email protected] Phone: (03) 6551 7600
Mental Health Advocacy Service (for inpatients and people on CTOs under the Act and psychiatric hostel residents)
Email: [email protected] Phone: (08) 6343 6300
People with Disabilities Western Australia
Email: [email protected] Phone: (08) 9485 8900
Health Consumers’ Council (WA) Inc (HCC)
Phone: 1800 620 780
Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Limited
Phone: 1800 019 900
Livingproud – LGBTI Community Services of WA
Email: [email protected] Phone: (08) 9486 9855
New South Wales
Health Care Complaints Commission
Email: [email protected] Phone: (02) 9219 7444 / 1800 043 159 (toll free)
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1300 363 992
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Phone: 1800 035 544 or TTY 133 677 (interpreters can be arranged)
National Relay Service – ask for 1800 035 544
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – for complaints about your NDIS plan or funding
Phone: 1800 800 110