Established in 2017, our research and advocacy function has become well-known and sought after across the sector, consistently being called upon by state and federal government and inquiry bodies to inform local and national policy.
Mind promotes social inclusion and support for recovery as a fundamental human right. Our advocacy agenda is based on understanding people’s experiences and using this to develop suggestions for policy and system reform at a local, state and national level.
The advocacy function sits within the integrated Research, Advocacy and Policy Development division and works to fulfil Mind's strategic goal of contributing to a better, stronger Australian mental health system.
We work closely with the Mind community to understand their experiences, and strive for social change on issues that matter to them. In practice, this means our work involves:
- Policy analysis and evidence-based policy development
- Applied research, and initiatives to test new policy solutions
- Public awareness raising, campaign development and execution
- Coalition and network building.
- System reform and Inquiries
- National Disability Insurance Scheme – Psychosocial disability
- Housing and homelessness
- Social and community inclusion
- Suicide Prevention and Response
- Families and carers
Inquiry submissions and reports
Mind contributes to public inquiries and seeks to ensure that our voice, and that of the community we serve, is heard by Governments and decision-makers across Australia.
Our recent contributions to system reform include submissions and reports to the following bodies and inquiries:
Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System 2019 – 2021
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (the Commission) represented a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reset Victoria’s mental health system.
Mind contributed to the Commission’s inquiry by making submissions to the Terms of Reference for the Commission and the Commission’s general inquiry. Mind staff also gave evidence at hearings, participated in roundtables and provided follow-up advice and information at the Commission’s request.
The Commission released its Final Report in early 2021. This set a roadmap for reform in Victoria. The challenge in realising Victoria’s new mental health and wellbeing system will be in the implementation. Mind continues to be involved in implementing the reforms, contributing to consultations and inquiries.
Submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health Services, July 2019 (PDF 1.6 MB)
Witness Statements
- Katie Larsen (July 2019)
- Sarah Pollock (May 2020)
Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health 2018 – 2020
- Joint response to the draft Productivity Commission report into mental health (January 2020)
- Public hearing into mental health (November 2019)
- Initial submission to the Productivity Commission (April 2019)
Mental Health Select Committee (QLD) – Inquiry into the Opportunities to Improve Mental Health Outcomes for Queenslanders
- Submission to Inquiry into opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders (February 2022)
National Disability Insurance Scheme – Psychosocial disability
Mind is a strong supporter of the NDIS and the inclusion of people with psychosocial disability in the Scheme. We work to improve policy settings to ensure NDIS participants with a psychosocial disability are able to have their support needs met based on their individual needs and goals. We regularly contribute to NDIS inquiries and submission processes based on consultations with people with lived experience.
Submissions to the Independent Review of the NDIS
Mind is a member of the Australian Psychosocial Alliance (APA). APA members are specialist providers of community-managed mental health and wellbeing services in Australia, with the majority being registered NDIS providers with a specialist focus on psychosocial disability. As an Alliance, we made a significant submission to the NDIS Review in May 2023.
Mind’s submission to the NDIS Review Panel focused on the importance of housing for people with psychosocial disability and the value of recovery-focused models of support, along with evidence-based and economically efficient solutions to address the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability who have inseparable and adjacent needs for specialist housing with support.
Housing with Support: Submission to the NDIS Review - July 2023 (PDF 2 MB)
NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track)
Mind recognizes that the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1) Bill 2024 provides an opportunity for the reform of the NDIS. Mind is broadly supportive of the proposed directions of the NDIS Review and understands that the Bill is proposed as enabling legislation. However, the timing of its introduction is not appropriate and should be delayed.
NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1) Bill 2024 (PDF 218 KB)
Submissions to the National Disability Insurance Agency
- Home and Living Consultation – An Ordinary Life at Home (September 2021) (PDF 878 KB)
- Review of Supported Independent Living Price Controls Issues Paper (October 2020) (1.1 MB)
- Improving outcomes for participants who require Supported Independent Living (SIL): Provider and sector consultation (October 2020) (PDF 747 KB)
- Support Coordination Discussion Paper (September 2020) (PDF 1.1 MB)
- Response to the Review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee submission (October 2019)
Joint Standing Committee into the NDIS – The provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition
Joint Standing Committee into the NDIS
- Submission to inquiry into NDIS costs (April 2017)
Housing and homelessness
The provision of housing and residential services has been at the core of Mind’s approach to community based mental health care since 1977. We know housing is critical for mental health recovery.
Mind and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) co-published Trajectories in 2020. This is one of the first national studies to examine the relationship between the housing and mental health pathways of people with lived experience of mental ill-health. The findings of Trajectories continue to inform our submissions to inquiries. Find out more about Trajectories.
Recent housing and homelessness related submissions:
- Submission on the National Housing and Homelessness Issues Paper (PDF 1 MB)
- Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Housing and Homelessness Agreement Review (June 2022)
- Submission to the Victorian Social and Affordable Housing Strategy Consultation (April 2021) (PDF 854 KB)
- Submission to the Inquiry into Homelessness in Victoria (March 2020)
- Inquiry into Homelessness in Victoria appearance at public hearing (August 2020)
Social and community inclusion
- Submission to the Victorian LGBTIQ+ Strategy - August 2020 (PDF 536 KB)
Suicide Prevention and Response
Our recent contributions include submissions and reports to the following bodies and inquiries:
Victorian Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy (August 2022)
- Victorian Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy (PDF 892 KB)
Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy (2023-2027)
- Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy (PDF 1 MB)
National Suicide Prevention Strategy (October 2024)
- National Suicide Prevention Strategy (PDF 384 KB)
Families and carers
Mind led the Caring Fairly campaign, which launched in 2017. This was a national campaigning coalition directed by unpaid carers, along with specialist organisations and peak bodies that support and advocate for their rights.
The campaign garnered significant media attention and references in Parliament. It concluded in 2021 and Mind continues to use our unique expertise in mental health to advocate for mental health carers.
Caring Fairly made submissions to the following inquiries: