This service provides the day-to-day support to help you get on with your life. Your Mind worker comes to you to help you build skills and confidence in daily life activities. 

You decide what you want help with, but commonly people choose:

  • support with accessing the NDIS 
  • help building connections with other services in the community 
  • taking part in community groups and activities 
  • telehealth counselling 
  • support with goal planning 
  • mental health coaching and mentoring.

Who for

This service is for people who are:

  • living in the Riverland region
  • not receiving support through the NDIS
  • potentially future NDIS participants
  • recovering from mental illness and need day-to-day assistance in the home or with getting out and about in the community.

How to access:

Eligible people can be referred by their carer, family members, GP, other service providers or by mental health professionals. They can also self-refer. This service is funded by Country SA PHN as part of the Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program.

Outcome statement:

Feel more in control of your everyday life, learn the skills to become more independent and access support services in your community.

Contact details


Funding types available



14 sessions

Age range

16-66 years old