About Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals:

Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals support Victorians aged 26 years and over to get mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support closer to home. All support is free, voluntary and easy to access, and you do not need a referral from your doctor to access help.

Mind is currently providing face-to-face, outreach and telehealth and telephone support services. Walk-in consultations are currently available on select days while the centre is fitted out.

These services adopt a ‘how can we help’ and ‘no wrong door’ approach, to enable more people to access the support they need, including those who have previously been unable to find the right care and/or experienced barriers to accessing services

People with co-occurring mental health and drug and alcohol challenges previously would often receive treatment from separate service providers addressing one issue, rather than receiving integrated care from a single provider.

Alongside Mind’s person-centred support services, people will be able to access support from key regional health organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health organisations and a variety of other targeted support organisations including LGBTIQA+ support across all regions from Thorne Harbour Health.

Bringing together each partner organisation’s expertise means the Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals can provide specialised, informed and understanding support for the broadest range of people and local community needs.

At Mental Health and Wellbeing Local services, Mind provides psychosocial support to help people manage daily activities, rebuild and maintain connections, engage with education and employment, and participate fully in the community. These are supports which help people take positive steps in their recovery journey.

Mind is the lead provider of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Local in Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe, which will be delivered in partnership with Echuca Regional Health, Salvation Army, Bendigo Health, Bendigo District Aboriginal Cooperative and Thorne Harbour Health.

Who are Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals for?

People aged 26 years and over who are experiencing mental illness or psychological distress, including those with co-occurring substance use issues

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Local in Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe is funded by the Victorian and Federal governments

How do I register for Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals?

All support is free, voluntary and easy to access – you do not need a referral from your doctor to access help.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Local in Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe is located at 3/15 Hopetoun Street, Bendigo VIC 3550.

For current operating hours at the Mental Health and Wellbeing Local in Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe, call:  

  • Bendigo - (03) 5497 5600
  • Echuca – (03) 5412 6600

Face to face support at the Mental Health and Wellbeing Local in Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe or in the local community is available between 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Phone and telehealth services are available 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday and Sunday. Walk-ins are also welcome Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.

For free support in your local area visit www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/mhwlocal

If you need help in your language, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter, then ask to be connected to Local Service on 1300 375 330. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals are not crisis services. In an emergency which is life-threatening or where there is immediate risk of harm to anyone, call Triple Zero (000). For 24-hour crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders can also call 13 YARN on 13 92 76. 13 YARN is a 24/7 national crisis support telephone service staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Why choose Mind for psychosocial support services?

Mind Australia provides individualised, evidence-based and recovery focused support to more than 11,000 people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns in Australia every year.

Mind partners with health, community, and government organisations to provide holistic support and a safe environment for people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to live in the community.

Mind is one of the largest providers of community-managed psychosocial services in Australia with a range of residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online services.

We are a leading employer of people with lived experience of mental ill-health, recognising their unique ability to connect with and motivate clients and guide recovery.

Contact details

Greater Bendigo, 3550, VIC 
(03) 5497 5600 (Bendigo), (03) 5412 6600 (Echuca)  


Funding types available


Age range
