Our team of registered psychologists and mental health social workers provide quality therapeutic and mental health intervention support to clients with mental health and wellbeing challenges, and dual disabilities including clients who have complex care needs.  

We provide clinical assessments, diagnosis, interventions and capacity building for people accessing our services who have mental health support needs. 

Our clinicians are trained to provide a broad range of therapeutic practices including, but not limited to: 

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) 
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 

All our interventions are underpinned by recovery oriented, trauma informed practice. Each clinician regularly undertakes professional development to further their understanding of therapeutic modalities to meet the needs of people accessing our services.  

Who is NDIS Psychology for? 

NDIS Psychology is available to clients with psychological supports identified as part of their Capacity Building funding.   

To be eligible for the support you must: 

  • Have an NDIS package  with a Capacity building funding in improved daily living.  
  • Be 16 years or over  

Mind offers this service in Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia   

How do I register my interest in NDIS Psychology? 

Please contact Mind Connect on 1300 286 463 or [email protected] 

Referrals can be processed immediately.

For more information on Mind’s Allied Health services, visit our Allied Health services landing page

Contact details

Australia wide 
1300 286 463  
[email protected]


Funding types available


Age range
