Mind Australia’s outreach community services in South Australia provide person-centred, psychosocial support that help people experiencing mental health challenges to live independently and well in the community. They also support people to apply for and plan their transition to NDIS services. 

About Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia

Psychosocial supports help people with mental health challenges manage daily activities, rebuild and maintain connections, engage with education and employment, and participate fully in the community.

Mind’s Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia comprises of a two-tiered approach:

  • Tier 1: Intensive Crisis Support – flexible and intensive support and case management to support individuals to reduce levels of distress and improve their wellbeing. Intensive support is provided for a six-week period to resolve immediate distress, improve personal safety and establish links with services that can provide longer term support in the community.
  • Tier 2: Non-acute Psychosocial Support – support for individuals with moderate intensity psychosocial support and case management to build independence and improve their quality of life over a period of four months (with the option to extend to 12 months if necessary). The service provides a focus on supporting people to achieve their My Better Life goals and enhance recovery, build daily living skills, maintain sustainable housing, improve relationships with families and carers, develop social and community connections, learn, and explore ideas for personal growth, build capacity and resilience, and live independently and safely in the community. This services also focuses on supporting clients to test their eligibility with the NDIS, apply for access and implement a successful transition to NDIS services as a core transition pathway.

Mind’s Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia are funded by the South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing.

Who are Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia for?

People who are aged 16-64 who are experiencing severe mental health conditions and associated functional disabilities. Mind’s Psychosocial Support Services are available for people in the Central Adelaide, Southern Adelaide, Flinders and Upper North, Yorke and Northern, and Eyre and Far North catchment areas in South Australia.

Some exceptions are made for people who are over the age of 65 and who have not been able to access other appropriate programs through the Aged Care System or NDIS.

How do I register my interest for Mind’s Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia?

Referral pathways for this service are through your local community mental health team, inpatient wards and the Urgent Mental Health Care Centre. For more information contact us via Mind Connect or phone: 1300 286 463. 

Why choose Mind for psychosocial support services?

Mind Australia provides individualised, evidence-based and recovery focused support to more than 11,000 people experiencing mental health challenges in Australia every year. 

Mind partners with health, community, and government organisations to provide holistic support and a safe environment for people experiencing mental health challenges to live in the community. 

Mind is one of the largest providers of community-managed psychosocial services in Australia with a range of residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online services. We are a leading employer of people with lived experience of mental ill-health, recognising their unique ability to connect with and motivate clients and guide recovery. 

These are supports that help people take positive steps in their mental health and wellbeing recovery journey.
Denise Cumming, Executive Director of Operations for South Australia

Contact details

Central Adelaide, Southern Adelaide, Flinders & Upper North, Yorke & Northern, and Eyre & Far North, 5000, SA 
1300 286 463  
[email protected]


Funding types available



Up to 12 months

Age range

16-64 years old