Wellbeing4You is a partnership between Mind Australia and Bupa health insurance delivered as part of Bupa’s Mind Care Choices package. Hundreds of Bupa members have received support since the partnership was launched in early 2020. The Wellbeing4You program utilises a client-centred approach, focussed on recovery to help clients identify meaningful life goals and develop plans to achieve them. It also helps people who access the program to:

  • Develop relapse prevention strategies  
  • Build upon their existing strengths and wider support network, including family and friends
  • Build individuals intrinsic capacity to manage their mental health with the aim of reducing hospital admissions over time
  • Facilitate linkages with services that will support individuals to achieve their goals

Clients receive support from Mind’s Allied Health team. The Wellbeing4You program is delivered in the community, at home or via telehealth - not in a hospital setting.

Who is Wellbeing4You for?

Mind provides the Wellbeing4You support program as part of Bupa’s Mind Care Choices package. Bupa has developed Mind Care Choices to support eligible members who have a diagnosed mental illness and have experienced one or more overnight hospital admissions for mental health treatment.

The program is being delivered to eligible Bupa members in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and Victoria via face to face and telehealth options. The program is also available via telehealth to Bupa customers living in the Northern Territory.

To be eligible for the program you must:

  • be a Bupa Customer aged 18 years and over with a product type that includes psychiatric services cover  
  • have been diagnosed with a mental disorder  
  • Have had one or more overnight hospital admissions for mental health concerns
  • Have given consent to receive treatment and support from Mind Australia.

How do I register my interest in Wellbeing4You?

This program is for existing Bupa customers. For more information, please contact Bupa to discuss your eligibility for the program.

If you are currently accessing the Wellbeing 4You program and would like information, please contact Mind Connect on 1300 286 463 or [email protected]

More information on Mind’s Allied Health services.

Contact details

Victoria, NSW, QLD, WA and Northern Territory 
1300 286 463  
[email protected]


Funding types available


Age range
