4 minute read

Mind Australia is providing a free new psychosocial support service for people experiencing mental health challenges in South Australia.

Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia (OPSSA) is for people aged between 16-64 who are experiencing severe mental health conditions and live in the Central Adelaide, Southern Adelaide, Flinders and Upper North, Yorke and Northern, and Eyre and Far North catchment areas in South Australia.

It is a person-centred program that supports people help people with mental health challenges to manage daily activities, set goals, rebuild and maintain connections, engage with education and employment, and participate fully in the community.

Mind’s OPSSA program is delivered in two tiers:

  • Intensive Crisis Support – flexible and intensive support and case management provided over a six-week period
  • Non-acute Psychosocial Support – for people with moderate intensity psychosocial support and case management needs, to build independence and improve quality of life over a period of four months (with the option to extend up to 12 months).
Service details
Central Adelaide, Southern Adelaide, Flinders & Upper North, Yorke & Northern, and Eyre & Far North, 5000, SA
Provide person-centred, psychosocial support to help people experiencing mental health challenges live independently and well in the community. Additionally, they support individuals in applying for and planning their transition to NDIS services.
In person 16-64 Free

The OPSSA program also supports service users to test their eligibility with the NDIS. Eligible people are supported to apply for NDIS access and implement a successful transition to NDIS services once they have completed their engagement with OPSSA.

Denise Cumming, Mind’s Executive Director of Operations for South Australia, said psychosocial support programs like the OPSSA enable people experiencing mental health challenges to live independently and well in the community.

“These are supports that help people take positive steps in their mental health and wellbeing recovery journey,” Ms Cumming said.

“Mind Australia is a trusted psychosocial support provider with more than 19 years of experience supporting and being at the heart of South Australian communities. Our psychosocial support services engender hope for people that they can live a life of purpose on their terms.

“Mind and our team of dedicated community mental health and peer practitioners are proud to be delivering this much-needed service to people, and their families and supporters, in South Australia.”

If you would like more information about Mind’s Outreach Psychosocial Services South Australia, contact us via Mind Connect or phone: 1300 286 463.

If this article raises concerns for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders can also call 13 YARN (13 92 76) a 24/7 national crisis support telephone service staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 
If you would like more information, please contact us.

1300 286 463 
[email protected]