8 minute read

Mind Australia is providing more mental health and wellbeing services in Queensland than ever before, and more programs are on the way. 

Mind supported more than 2,000 people in Queensland in the last financial year, across our range of psychosocial support services, including residential, mobile outreach, centre-based, and online services. 

Denise Cumming, Mind’s Executive Director of Operations for Queensland, said Mind is a recognised community mental health service provider in the state. 

“Mind is a trusted psychosocial support provider with more than eight years of experience supporting and being at the heart of Queensland communities,” she said. 

“Our dedicated community mental health and peer practitioners bring help, hope and purpose to the lives of people with mental health and wellbeing challenges as they seek to achieve their recovery goals. 

“Mind has a strong footprint in Queensland, and we are committed to growing our presence and supporting more people, as well as their families and carers, throughout the state.” 

Peer-led services in Queensland 

Mind is a recognised leader in the delivery and innovation of lived experience approaches in mental ill-health. 

We have a strong commitment to employing peer practitioners across all service models, as well as employing staff in designated lived experience roles in other key departments. 

In Queensland, Mind’s community-based psychosocial programs have recently expanded to provide 100% peer led models through their Group Based Peer Recovery Support Programs & Crisis Support Spaces. 

Some Mind services in Queensland which feature peer practitioners include: 

  • Crisis Support Space: an alternative to Emergency Department presentations for people experiencing an emotional, situational, or mental health crisis in the Cairns and Mackay regions.
  • Cairns Community Care Unit: is a residential mental health recovery service that offers 24/7 mental health care, peer support and activities. The team includes community and clinical mental health practitioners, a family engagement worker, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander practitioners and peer support workers.
  • Darling Downs Service Navigation: the service assists individuals, their families, and carers to increase their awareness of what services are available, find providers who can assist them to achieve their recovery goals and find specialised support services to meet social needs, especially access to housing.
  • Mind Recovery College® - an educational mental health service that helps people develop knowledge and skills to use in their mental health recovery journey. 
These are supports that help people take positive steps in their recovery journey.
- Denise Cumming, Mind’s Executive Director of Operations for Queensland

Helping Queenslanders connect with their communities 

Psychosocial supports – like the kind provided by Mind – help people with mental health and wellbeing concerns to manage daily activities, rebuild and maintain connections, engage with education and employment, and participate fully in the community. 

“These are supports that help people take positive steps in their recovery journey,” Ms Cumming said. 

“At Mind, our psychosocial support services engender hope for clients that they can live a life of purpose on their terms.” 

Mind’s psychosocial services in Queensland include: 

  • Individual Recovery Support Program: provides up to 12 months of personalised support to help people experiencing mental health and wellbeing challenges to live independently and well in the community. 
  • Step-Up Step-Down services: in Cairns, Bundaberg Gladstone and Mackay provide short term (up to 28 days) support in a residential setting, providing an alternative to hospitalisation (step up) or transition from hospital back into the community (step down). 
  • Wellbeing4You: is a partnership between Mind Australia and Bupa health insurance delivered as part of Bupa’s Mind Care Choices package. The program utilises a client-centred approach, focused on recovery to help clients identify meaningful life goals and develop plans to achieve them.

Mind’s NDIS services in Queensland 

Mind offers several services in Queensland that are fundable through the NDIS that are personalised to people’s needs. These include: 

  • Occupational Therapy: Mental Health Occupational Therapists provide support to people to develop the skills they need to do everyday activities. This can include self-care, home duties, interpersonal relationships, and community connection.
  • Social Work: Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Accredited Social Workers provide therapeutic interventions such as focussed psychological strategies, clinical assessments, counselling, and assistance with working towards your personal recovery goals.
  • Psychology: Registered psychologists who provide therapeutic interventions, clinical assessments, diagnosis, and capacity building to people with psychological distress and mental health support needs. 
  • Positive Behaviour Support: focuses on evidence-based strategies and person-centred supports that address the needs and underlying causes of behaviours of concern, while safeguarding dignity and quality of life.
  • Support Coordination – support for people with NDIS packages seeking to understand which services they require to take positive steps in their mental health recovery journey. 
  • Specialist Support Coordination – specialised supports for people experiencing additional barriers and complexity in implementation of their NDIS Plans.

For information on Mind services near you, please contact us via Mind Connect or phone: 1300 286 463. 

If this article raises concerns for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders can also call 13 YARN (13 92 76) a 24/7 national crisis support telephone service staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 
If you would like more information, please contact us.

1300 286 463 
[email protected]